Professor Alo Nag

Alo Nag is currently Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry. She has served as Dean, Faculty of Interdisciplinary and Applied Sciences (2020-2021). Prof. Nag was Head, Department of Biophysics during 2020-2021 when the brand new course of M.Sc. Biophysics was launched during the Corona Pandemic. She also served as Provost, Geetanjali PG Women hostel in South Campus (Jan 2020 to Nov 2022).

Prof. Nag obtained her Masters and Doctoral degree from the Department of Biochemistry, University of Delhi. She joined the University of Illinois at Chicago, USA for postdoctoral research in the area of cell cycle regulations and cancer. Thereafter, she was appointed as an Instructor by a prestigious cancer biology group at Northwestern University, USA. In 2007, she returned to India and joined the Department of Biochemistry, University of Delhi South Campus as Reader where she established a molecular oncology lab. The research interest of Prof. Alo Nag’s laboratory revolves around the key molecular events responsible for transformation of normal cells into cancerous cells and to identify potent drug targets. Major part of her ongoing research focuses on the oncogenic mechanisms of HPV that causes cervical cancer, the top most cancer killer among Indian women.  Her group is also pursuing investigations on posttranslational machinery of the malarial parasites.  She has received multiple extramural grants and published more than 40 research articles, 1 book chapter and filed a patent.  She has organised many national and international conferences and also received several honors and awards.  She has more than 15 years of teaching experience and is involved in providing research guidance to Ph.D. and M.Sc. students.  Prof. Nag actively participates in peer reviewing of national and international grants and manuscripts. She has delivered talks in India and abroad, serves in the editorial board of journals and is life member of several scientific societies.

Faculty detail:   Link

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