Head of the Department
Professor Amita Gupta
Head of the Department
Department of Biochemistry
University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi
E.mail: hodbiochemistry@gmail.com
Phone : 91-11-24114159
Professor Suman Kundu
Former Director, University of Delhi South Campus
Former, Head of the Department
Former Dean, Faculty of Interdisciplinary and Applied Sciences
Current Staff
Mr. Rajiv Chawla
Technical Assistant (Computer)
Mr. Mahender Khanduri
Laboratory Attendant
Former Staff
Mr. Subrata Ghosh
Technical Assistant
(Superannuated, December 2017)
Mr. Ramesh C. Pandey
Technical Assistant
Mr. Deepak Kumar
Laboratory Attendant
Late Mr. Baba Nand
Senior Assistant
(1st March 1961 - 25th July 2020)