Dr. Dau Dayal

Dr. Dau Dayal has been working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biochemistry since October 2020. He has received Ph.D. degree from M.D University Rohtak followed by postdoctoral training at the University of Haifa (Israel) and Banaras Hindu University, India. He has published 17 papers in journals of international repute. He has received several international and national awards including the Marie Skodowska-Curie seal of excellence (Europe), PBC VATAT (Israel), and the DS Kothari UGC (India). With a mixed model integrative approach that combines state-of-the-art tools & techniques from genetics & molecular biology to bioinformatics, he is particularly intrigued to explore the biology of genome evolution in the new environment. Together with other groups, his group has developed experimentally evolved strains of Drosophila (fruit flies) that are exceptionally resistant to abiotic stressors. Experimental evolution combined with re-sequencing in Drosophila has now become a powerful tool useful in understanding the genetics of complex traits, genes effects, genotype-phenotype interaction, modelling human diseases, and many other subjects. With the multiple layers of next-generation analyses, Dr. Dayal's research explores how stress mediates genome evolution at the genome-wide level. New interests of the group include developing robust models of complex human diseases and lifestyle disorders in Drosophila to gain a deeper understanding of their biology.

Faculty details :  http://du.ac.in/uploads/new-web/Faculty%20Profile/biochemistry/biochem-Dau-Dayal-2021.pdf